Burning man with mom.

I remember it being mom’s idea - she remembers the opposite. Either way, I purchased a used tandem bicycle from Ft. Collins, made it glow in the dark, bought a couple of tutus, dust goggles and hair dye. Rosy expectations often ruin every one of my relationships, so I swore I’d have none. I have built a life around always knowing; always being prepared. The past few years have taught me that this may have mostly been a waste of time. I want to embrace whatever life has in store - or perhaps to make myself as uncomfortable as possible and see if I can handle it. To discover who I am on the other side of it. I wonder how many tests I’ll need in order to believe I’m strong enough. When the dust storms came and most people hid, we went for a ride. Toward the cloud. The desert was vast and yet through the airy dust you could barely see the hand in front of you. As the wind faded, the sun would begin to slowly break through highlighting a new layer of dust. It represented a new beginning.

